2019-20 Unit Plan
Vice President of Instruction

Mission Statement

The Office of Instruction provides quality education and workforce training. We prepare our students for life-long learning through the mastery of basic skills, the achievement of degrees and certificates, and the pursuit of career and transfer pathways. 

Economic Workforce Development Mission:  To contribute to the economic viability of businesses and workforce development thereby advancing California's economic growth and global competitiveness.  

Program Description

The Office of Instruction and its personnel collaborate with faculty, staff, students, and the community to assure quality educational and economic development programs and services.  The vision of this unit is to achieve the highest quality, documented outcomes possible.  We pursue this vision through student learning, academic excellence, exceptional professional development for faculty and staff, lifelong learning without barriers, and an ethic of community service, sustainable economic development, stewardship of resources, and accountability.  The Office oversees teaching and learning in transfer and general education, career and technical education, learning resources, athletics, non-credit programs, short-term vocational and special education, contract education, small business development, and targeted workforce development. 

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes (Optional)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (Instruction Departments) (Optional)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments) (Optional)


Strategic Direction (Optional)


Program Review (Optional)

The course schedule is continuously monitored and adjusted to meet AUO #1 and #2.  Dialogue occurs at department levels and deans/directors level to address AUO #3 and #4.  The Vice President for Instruction works with Economic Workforce Development to identify and meet industry and community needs.  SLOs are monitored at the VP and Dean/Director level.  The VP plays an important role in the Program Review process in reading the Self Study and Validation Reports and participating in the Validation Team meeting.  The Office of Instruction is central to approving curriculum, course scheduling, monitoring faculty load and producing contracats, and awarding and recording certificates. 

For 2017-18, the Office of Instruction will again request additional funds to increase the amount of money we offer to support relevant and meaningful professional development.  This was not funded last year.  The Professional Development Instructional Coordinator reports to the VP of Instruction. 

Department Goals


Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Collaboration with K-12

Work with area high schools to increase the number of graduates who come to college prepared to do college-level math and English.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

Many high school students still come underprepared to do college-level work

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement: Yes
Improving Student Achievement: No
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No

Strategy 2 - Collaborate with CSU and UC Partners

Collaborate with CSU and UC partners to improve transfer access.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

Increasing student transfer to CSU and UC improves student succes.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement: Yes
Improving Student Achievement: No
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No

Strategy 3 - Refine Acceleration Efforts

Refine and grow acceleration efforts to expand student success. 

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

Acceleration in Math and English can improve student success.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement: Yes
Improving Student Achievement: No
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No

Strategy 4 - Student Pathways

Map out pathways for students, include course sequencing where appropriate.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

Priority - Course sequencing is crucial to the college pursuing guided pathways for our students, currently the subject of discussion among faculty, staff, and administration.  Sequencing is being developed for each program by individual instructional departments working with Scheduling Center and Curriculum Committee. 

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement: No
Improving Student Achievement: No
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No

Strategy 5 - Strategic Scheduling

Continue strategic scheduling to meet District FTES target for 2018-19

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

Priority - Important to the fiscal soundness of the College, the Chief Instructional Officer evaluates the schedule, sets minimum enrollment numbers, and makes sure that the schedule meets student needs but also is fiscally responsible.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement: No
Improving Student Achievement: No
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No

Strategy 6 - Communication with all College Entities

Emphasize mutual communication and common cause between the Office of Instruction and Academic Senate, and Department Chairs.

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

Priority - Effective communication, cooperation, and teamwork with faculty leaders are critical to reaching our goals.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement: No
Improving Student Achievement: No
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No

Strategy 7 - Office of Instruction Reorganization

Investigate long-term Office of Instruction reorganization to facilitate interdepartmental teamwork and resolve unmet needs.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

Priority - As we grow and change, we need to re-evaluate the organization to make sure it is effective and efficient.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement: Yes
Improving Student Achievement: No
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No

Strategy 8 - Connect with Faculty

Foster connections with faculty by visiting classes and department meetings.

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

Improves communication between faculty and administration.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement: Yes
Improving Student Achievement: No
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No

Strategy 9 - Professional Development Opportunities

Encourage and support professional development opportunities for faculty and staff.

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

Professional Development is important to faculty and staff to be able to better support student needs.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement: Yes
Improving Student Achievement: No
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No

Strategy 10 - Consistent Budgeting

Review Dean and Department budgets for equity and consistency.

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

Some departments do not have the funding that they need to operate effectively.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement: Yes
Improving Student Achievement: No
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No

Strategy 11 - Protect Student and Faculty Safety

Partner with other operations in providing all feasible precautions to protect student and faculty safety.

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

Priority - With recent attacks on public places, it is critical that we make sure door locks operate efficiently and that every precaution is taken to ensure the safety of our faculty, staff, and students.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement: No
Improving Student Achievement: No
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No

Strategy 12 - Cost Projection

Monitor associate faculty cost projection and address any imbalances.

  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

It is important to run an efficient schedule that stays within the budget for the 1300 account.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement: No
Improving Student Achievement: No
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No

Strategy 13 - Leverage Grant Opportunities

Continue to leverage grant oportunities aligned with the College's mission and strategic initatives.

  • Modeling Sustainability
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement: No
Improving Student Achievement: No
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No

Strategy 14 - Support for Departments

Provide additional student assistant or clerical support to improve program efficiency and student success

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

SLED programs had their student assistant budgets reduced dramatically during the recession.  Increased demands made on departments to serve additional students and meet mandates requires more bandwidth.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement: Yes
Improving Student Achievement: No
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No

Strategy 15 - Diversity Training for Instructional Faculty and Staff

Explore the possibilities of more widespread diversity training for instructional faculty and staff.

Supporting Rationale

Faculty and staff who are more aware and sensitive to divsersity issues, ensures a better educational experience for all students.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement: No
Improving Student Achievement: No
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No

Strategy 16 - Diversity Initiatives

Propose Diversity initiatives as part of one Dean's responsibilities.

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

Priority - The importance of diversity to our campus may warrant focus from one particular Dean, either a Student Services Dean or one from Instruction.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement: Yes
Improving Student Achievement: No
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No

Strategy 17 - Equal Employment Opportunity

Ensure equal employment opportunity for all instructional faculty and staff hirings. 

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

A more diverse faculty and staff ensures a more diverse educational experience for students.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement: Yes
Improving Student Achievement: No
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No

Strategy 18 - EWD Butte Focused Objectives

Serve as the Butte College connection within the community.  Provide a nontraditional pathway to FTE generation.  Implement entrepreneurship education for targeted programs in the six industry sectors.  Provide real-time decision making data to assist college programs to grow FTE.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement: Yes
Improving Student Achievement: No
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No

Strategy 19 - Community Focused Objectives

1. Provide technical assistance to small busineses owners and entrepreneurs in all areas of business start-up, development, management, expansion as well as access to capital.  2. Hire consultants and trainers with the industry expertise to match business needs.  3. Provide access to performance improvement solutions including Employment Training Panel, Workforce Development Board and other funding resources available to off-set employer training costs.  4. Assist employers with administrating Employment Training Panel single employer contracts to maximize use of their allocated contracted funds.  5. Develop reliable data collection tools for real-time program decision making to meet industry needs. 

  • Modeling Sustainability
  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: Yes
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement: Yes
Improving Student Achievement: No
Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No

Requested Non-Financial Resources

Investigate a District-wide facilities/room scheduling tool whether within Colleague or an external application that works with Colleague.

Instruction and FTES generation should be priority for facilities use decisions. 

Revisit "efficient" schedule to actually reflect efficiency or eliminate to open opportunities for students and course scheduling.

Support for Guided Pathways from all areas of the College.

Current Financial Resources

The Instructional area receives several grants for many of its programs and instructional departments. Perkins Title I-C brings in over half a million dollars for vocational programs. Basic Skills Initiative and Innovation Award grants help with Student Success initiatives. There are many grants that assist us in increasing access to Nursing students and recently a grant was received to hire an additional Welding instructor for two years to help with student success.  Recently the Strong Workforce grant has been able to fund many CTE program needs.  A variety of grants, many funded through Chancellor's Office, also support Career and Technical Education as well as Economic and Workforce Development.  Most recently Butte College has been allocated $400,000+ to implement Guided Pathways.  A great deal of human resources have been dedicated to getting underway with pathways for our students and Butte is recognized as a leader in this work.  Employees attend many workshops related to Guided Pathways. 

Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area Resource Type Account Number Object Code One Time Augment Ongoing Augment
Description Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 Office of Instruction Operating Expenses $0.00 $30,000.00
Subscription to CurricuNet Meta CurricuNet Meta gives added productivity to current software for curriculum, includes a Unit Planning module.
  • Maintaining ongoing operations at current levels (excludes grants)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Meeting enrollment targets
  • Improving Processes: a. Data and Reporting; b. Internal Communications
2 Office of Instruction Personnel $0.00 $7,488.00
Increase Directors to Deans Craig Rigsbee and Don Robinson both provide leadership and have the same duties as the other Instructional Deans. Resolve inequity issue.
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Maintaining ongoing operations at current levels (excludes grants)
  • Closing Equity Gaps
  • Meeting student achievement goals
  • Improving Processes: a. Data and Reporting; b. Internal Communications
3 Office of Instruction Personnel $0.00 $4,000.00
Dual Enrollment Manager A liaison is needed between the College and the high schools to organize dual enrollment offerings.
  • Maintaining ongoing operations at current levels (excludes grants)
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Meeting enrollment targets
  • Meeting student achievement goals
4 Office of Instruction Personnel $0.00 $100,000.00
Assistant Vice President There are so many initiatives that Instruction needs to be involved with that additional assistance for the vice president is needed.
5 Office of Instruction Personnel 52468 $0.00 $35,000.00
Increase Student Assistant budgets for many departments Additional student assistants are needed for critical support is every department under Instruction.
6 Office of Instruction Personnel $100,000.00 $0.00
Coverage for Sabbatical Leave Full-time temporary faculty is needed to backfill for a sabbatical leave to minimize negative effect on department.
7 Office of Instruction Operating Expenses 51393 $0.00 $50,000.00
Associate Faculty Office Hours The college match of $50,000 to add to funds allocated by the Chancellor's Office for associate faculty office hours has allowed for payment of more office hours each semester, which compensates faculty for a portion of the time they spend with students outside the classroom. It has been a big boost to morale with faculty feeling like they are being recognized for the extra work they do.
8 Office of Instruction Equipment 56411 $0.00 $50,000.00
Computers for new faculty and replacement computers/upgrades for current faculty. New faculty that are not replacing a retiree with a decent computer will need new computers. Computers that fall into the Computer Lifecycle Replacement program but are upgrades will need additional funding. Computers that do not fall into the CLR yet but are problematic will need replacing.
  • Instructional Equipment
9 Office of Instruction Operating Expenses $35,000.00 $0.00
Online Course Development Funding to motivate creation of eight specific general education online courses as identified by District, cost $3000 per course. Remaining funds to motivate other courses instructors self-select to develop, cost $1000 per course.
10 Office of Instruction Personnel $0.00 $100,000.00
Curriculum/Scheduling Technician Additional help is needed with input of the schedule, load calculations, Ed planner, degree audit, certificates, program and course approvals, CurricUNET, TechReview, gainful employment, etc. Currently funded with SSSP grant but will need to be institutionalized for District funding eventually.
11 Office of Instruction Personnel $0.00 $12,000.00
OER Coordinator 10% Reassigned Time Textbook costs are a burden to students and inhibits completion and success. A main role of this position is to help faculty find potential resources by searching the databases for each faculty request. The OER coordinator also builds and supports collaboration between Butte faculty within their departments and in nationwide collaboratives; this requires extensive networking in the OER community to ensure all opportunities are presented to faculty.
  • Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement
  • Closing Equity Gaps
  • Meeting student achievement goals
12 Office of Instruction Operating Expenses $0.00 $500.00
Online Student Feedback/Survey Increase ability to survey students in online Canvas classes using CourseEvalHQ by Etudes, Inc. Cost of software (ongoing) went up $500.
13 Office of Instruction Personnel $0.00 $200,000.00
Two Assistant Deans (CTE and General Education) Deans are need for so many new initiatives that they are feeling overwhelmed. Assistant deans could focus on a few key processes in defined areas (CTE and GE) like employee evaluations, program reviews, and special projects assigned by the deans.
14 Office of Instruction Operating Expenses 110004001660000 55200 $0.00 $50,000.00
Professional Development - Travel & Conference Increase professional development activities for faculty.
15 Office of Instruction Operating Expenses $10,000.00 $0.00
Marketing in Google and YouTube More marketing is needed for instructional programs and courses. Students use Google and YouTube more than radio and television.
16 Office of Instruction Personnel 51110 $0.00 $0.00
New Full-time Faculty - Cost TBD Every start of Fall semester, the President's Leadership Team (PLT) reviews the full-time obligation number and in consultation with Planning and Budget Committee determines the number of new full-time instructor hires for the next academic year. Department chairs nominate possible positions to fill, documenting the need through student learning outcomes, data, program review, and unit planning. Deans and Directors in consultation with the Chief Instructional Officer and Chief Student Services Officer then determine priority of hires which is reviewed and approved by the PLT.
17 Office of Instruction Equipment 110994001660000 56411 $0.00 $25,000.00
iPad Mobile Computer Lab for Collection of Student Feedback If the District moves to electronic collection of student feedback, mobile devices will be needed to take into classrooms for students to use who do not have their own mobile device.
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